The Biggest Dog in the World Today




Biggest Dog in the World

It is difficult to specify one dog as the biggest. There are lots of categories to consider like size, height, weight, and more. This post will help you to find the biggest dog that will suit you. Also, we will try to guide you on how to maintain the bigger dogs. This is the most crucial part. That part will help you to understand if a big dog suits you or not. Keep reading to explore your best pet. 

Understanding The Criteria for ‘Biggest’ Dog

Breed standards are used to categorize the largest dogs based on their size, weight, and height. Examples of these dogs include the French Mastiff, Scottish Deerhound, and Great Pyrenees. Male mastiffs like the Cane Corso, Aicama Zorba, and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are also known for their immense stature. They are also termed as ‘dogs of full figure’. Understanding these criteria is important in recognizing the size of these dogs.

Size Vs. Weight Vs. Height

To determine the biggest dog, factors like size, weight, and height are important. Each factor is considered independently to classify a dog as the biggest. Breeds like the Great Pyrenees and Cane Corso are known for their impressive stature. Knowing the distinctions between size, weight, and height is important in taking care of them. 

The Role of Breed Standards

Breed standards are the basis of categorizing the big dogs. Adherence to these standards ensures consistency across different breeds, like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, French Mastiff, and Great Pyrenees. The American Kennel Club and other organizations use breed standards. These standards also help in selective breeding of dogs.  

Top 10 Biggest Dog Breeds

The largest dog breeds, like the Great Dane and Scottish Deerhound, are known for their imposing stature, strength, and protectiveness. These breeds have diverse characteristics and historical significance. From the majestic Great Pyrenees to the noble Cane Corso, each breed has unique qualities. Recognized by the American Kennel Club, these male mastiffs and the Aicama Zorba, the royal dog of Scotland, play a significant role in dog sports.

English Mastiff

English Mastiff
  • The English Mastiff is a large and powerful breed known for its gentle nature, loyalty, and protective instincts. 
  • It makes an excellent guard dog. 
  • Early socialization and regular exercise are important for its well-being. 
  • Despite its size, the English Mastiff is an affectionate and gentle giant. 
  • It has ancient origins in Greece and Rome. 
  • The English Mastiff also has a history as the royal dog of Scotland.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard
  • Saint Bernards are revered for their heroic rescue efforts in the Swiss Alps. 
  • They have a protective nature, gentle temperament, and impressive size. 
  • Their thick double coat is perfect for cold weather. 
  • Good socialization and daily exercise are vital for their well-being. 
  • These gentle giants make ideal family dogs and have a historical significance. 
  • Saint Bernards exemplify powerful dogs with a gentle nature.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiff
  • The Neapolitan Mastiff is a giant breed with a muscular build, massive size, and protective nature. 
  • Early socialization, exercise, and a sturdy build are necessary. 
  • With its royal lineage and protective instincts, it makes an ideal guard dog. 
  • Good socialization from an early age contributes to its well-balanced nature. 
  • This loyal and powerful breed demands respect and care as formidable.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhound
  • The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest dog breed globally, known for its gentle nature and protective instincts. 
  • It’s a popular choice for families, thanks to its history as a guard dog and companion to nobility. 
  • It has immense height, a silky coat, and a calm demeanor. 
  • With its grace and power, it truly stands out as the royal dog of Scotland.


  • The Newfoundland dog breed is known for its water rescue skills and robust physique. 
  • It is a protective and gentle family pet with a dense double coat for insulation in cold weather. 
  • Daily exercise, early socialization, and pet insurance are essential for their well-being. 
  • The Newfoundland is a gentle giant.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux
  • The Bordeaux Mastiff, or Dogue de Bordeaux, is a giant breed known for its sturdy build and protective instincts. 
  • They require early socialization, regular exercise, and a large dog breed diet. 
  • Despite their size, they are gentle and make great family pets. 
  • Recognized as a French Mastiff by the American Kennel Club.
  • They share ancestry with powerful breeds like the Great Pyrenees and Scottish Deerhound. 
  • Originating from South Africa, male mastiffs are particularly large.


  • Leonbergers, originally bred as working dogs in the 19th century, are excellent family companions. 
  • They have a gentle nature, a striking presence due to their powerful build, and a thick double coat that helps them thrive in cold weather. 
  • Daily exercise and early socialization are important for good behavior. 
  • Known for their regal stature and incredible strength. 
  • Leonbergers are one of the largest dog breeds and are highly respected among powerful dogs.

Anatolian Shepherd

Anatolian Shepherd
  • The Anatolian Shepherds, originating from Turkey, are muscular and protective guard dogs. 
  • With a sturdy build and thick double coat, they excel in guarding livestock and dog sports. 
  • Esteemed by the American Kennel Club, these gentle giants have a rich history and are known for their courage and loyalty.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff
  • Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the largest dog breeds, known for their loyalty and protective nature. 
  • Originating from the Himalayas, they were originally used as guard dogs. 
  • With a powerful build and a thick double coat, they thrive in cold regions. 
  • Recognized by the American Kennel Club, these majestic canines have a royal history

Great Dane

Great Dane
  • Great Danes, known as the “gentle giants,” are the tallest dogs from Germany. 
  • Despite their large size, they make great family pets. 
  • Daily exercise and socialization are important for their well-being. 
  • They were historically used for hunting large game.
  •  It’s important to meet their exercise and socialization needs.

Characteristics of These Big Breeds

Big dog breeds like the Great Dane and Tibetan Mastiff make excellent family companions. They require exercise and early socialization. Similarly, the Tibetan Mastiff is loyal and protective, with a sturdy build and massive size. It has a history of guarding livestock in South Africa’s mountainous regions.

Temperament and Behavior

Big dog breeds like the Leonberger are known for their gentle temperament, making them ideal for families. Despite their size, these breeds are calm and gentle, especially when socialized from an early age. They are also protective and excel as guard dogs. Many big dog breeds thrive in family settings due to their ability to form strong bonds with humans.

Health and Lifespan

The health and lifespan of big dog breeds like the Anatolian Shepherd depend on factors like exercise, care, and regular vet check-ups. Owners should prioritize proper care, exercise, balanced diet, and be aware of potential health issues to promote longevity in these powerful dogs.

Care and Maintenance

Taking care of large dog breeds involves regular grooming and exercise. Dogs with silky coats, like the Scottish Deerhound, require brushing. Providing space and daily exercise is essential for these powerful dogs. In cold climates, extra care is needed for breeds like the Tibetan Mastiff. Consider pet insurance for comprehensive care and maintenance of your large canine companions.

List of Big Dogs That Didn’t Make the Top 10

Some other dogs like Central Asian Shepherd didn’t make the top 10. But these are also considered big dogs in today’s world. Take a look. 

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Central Asian Shepherd Dog
  • The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, also known as the Alabai, is a large breed from Central Asia. 
  • These powerful dogs excel as guards and working dogs. 
  • With their protective nature, they require early socialization. 
  • They have a massive size, muscular build, and thick double coats for insulation in cold weather. 
  • Proper training and socialization are crucial for good behavior. 
  • The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is recognized by the American Kennel Club as part of the Working Group.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, a gentle giant from the Swiss Alps
  • It requires a sturdy structure, early socialization, and regular exercise. 
  • They make excellent family pets, thrive in cold weather, excel in dog sports, and are recognized by organizations like the American Kennel Club. 
  • These powerful dogs are resilient and make exceptional companions.


  • The Komondor, originally from Hungary, is a powerful breed with a dense, corded coat. 
  • They were bred to protect livestock and excel as guard dogs. 
  • Regular exercise and early socialization are essential for their balanced behavior. 
  • Their unique coats require meticulous grooming to avoid matting. 
  • Due to their size and guarding tendencies, early socialization is crucial. 
  • The Komondor is recognized by the American Kennel Club as one of the most powerful dogs in the working group.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog
  • The Bernese Mountain Dog, originating from Switzerland, is a gentle giant breed with a thick double coat. 
  • They are known for their protective instincts and make great family dogs. 
  • They require daily exercise and good socialization. 
  • Despite their massive size, they have a gentle nature and are versatile in dog sports and as royal dogs of Scotland.

The Role of Genetics in a Dog’s Size

Genetics plays a significant role in determining a dog’s size. Selective breeding has resulted in the creation of large dog breeds. Understanding a breed’s genetic predisposition is crucial for meeting their needs effectively. It also plays a vital role in determining their suitability for different roles, such as working or companionship.

The Impact of Selective Breeding

  • Selective breeding has shaped the development of the world’s top 10 big dog breeds. 
  • Through selective breeding, breeders have significantly enhanced the size and characteristics of certain breeds
  • This has also resulted in impressive and powerful dogs.

Nature Vs. Nurture in Dog Size

A dog’s growth and size are influenced by genetics and environmental factors. Nutrition, exercise, and socialization play a crucial role. The nature versus nurture debate in dog size highlights the interplay between genetics and environment. While genetics determine potential size, the environment significantly impacts growth. Factors like diet and exercise can profoundly affect a dog’s size and development.

Living with a Giant: Considerations for Owners

To meet the needs of giant dog breeds, it’s important to accommodate their space and exercise requirements. They have different dietary needs and require specialized nutrition. Training and socializing them can be challenging due to their size and protective instincts. Ensuring they have enough space, exercise, and mental stimulation is a must. 

Space and Exercise Needs

Giant dog breeds need a spacious living environment and regular exercise to thrive. Daily walks and physical activity are crucial. Owners must create an environment that supports their exercise needs. Ample exercise and play opportunities are vital for the physical health and happiness of these powerful dogs.

Dietary Requirements

Giant dog breeds like the Great Pyrenees and Scottish Deerhound require a well-rounded, nutrient-dense diet for optimal health. Proper nutrition, including high-quality food, is crucial. Owners of male mastiffs and Cane Corso should pay attention to ensuring the right caloric intake. Specialized nutrition tailored to giant dog breeds like the Caucasian Shepherd and Aicama Zorba is vital. Also large dogs need more calcium and phosphorus based diet for bone development. Omega-3 plays an important role in skin health.

Training and Socialization Challenges

Training and socializing giant dog breeds can be challenging due to their size and protective instincts. Early socialization is crucial for positive behavior. A firm, consistent approach is necessary to train and manage their protective nature. Proper socialization is key to handling the instincts of giant dog breeds.

Are Bigger Dogs Always Better?

Unfortunately, bigger dogs are not always the best choice. While larger dogs may require more space, exercise, and grooming, their size doesn’t solely dictate their suitability as pets. Big dogs can be gentle, affectionate, and great family companions. On the other hand, the responsibility of owning a large dog should not be underestimated. Matching a dog’s size to the owner’s lifestyle and living situation is needed.

Can a Dog’s Size Predict Its Personality?

A dog’s personality is shaped by genetics, socialization, and training, not just its size. Regardless of size, dogs can have a wide range of personality traits. Large dogs can be gentle while smaller dogs can be protective. Breed, upbringing, and environment play a significant role in a dog’s behavior. Size does not determine a dog’s ability to be a loving companion or a guard dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the tallest dog breed?

The tallest dog breed is the Great Dane, with males reaching a height of 30-32 inches at the shoulder and females standing at 28-30 inches. Other large breeds like the Irish Wolfhound, English Mastiff, and Saint Bernard are also noteworthy for their size. 

What dog has the largest head?

The English Mastiff is known for having the largest head among dog breeds. With an average circumference of around 27 inches for males, their heads are truly impressive. Other breeds with big heads include the Neapolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, and Great Dane.

What’s a big dog that doesn’t shed?

A big dog breed that is known for minimal shedding is the Standard Poodle. Other large breeds that tend to be low shedding include the Irish Water Spaniel and the Giant Schnauzer. Regular grooming and brushing can help minimize shedding in any breed. Consider adopting a mixed-breed dog from a rescue, as they may have characteristics of non-shedding breeds.

Can big dogs be good pets for families with children?

Big dogs can make excellent pets for families with children when properly trained and socialized. Choosing a breed known for being good with kids, like Golden Retrievers or Labrador Retrievers, is important. Supervision of interactions between children and big dogs is necessary for safety. 


The size of a dog is determined by factors such as weight, height, and breed standards. Genetics plays a significant role in a dog’s size due to selective breeding. Living with a giant dog requires considerations like space, exercise, and dietary requirements. Training and socialization challenges may arise. It’s important to remember that a dog’s size doesn’t predict its personality. Each dog is unique and should be treated with love and care, regardless of size.

Share with me if you have any stories and thoughts. I would love to read your feedback. Stay with the dog cluster and gather knowledge about dogs.

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